Get a 4-month old sleep schedule with sample naps and wake windows for your 4 month old baby.

baby girl holding blocks while playing on the ground

Babies at 4 months old typically show so much personality with limited mobility, so they can’t get into too much trouble.

Let’s talk about what changes I typically see between months 3 and 4 and what a 4 month old sleep schedule might look like for your baby.

4 Month Old Sleep Schedule Overview

  • 90–120 minutes wake windows
  • 3–4 naps
  • Transition from 4 to 3 naps
  • 3–5.5 hours of daytime sleep
  • 11–12 hours night sleep
  • 14–16 hours of sleep total

What are Wake Windows for a 4 Month Old?

Your 4-month-old’s wake windows are about 90-120 minutes. 

Generally, the shortest wake window (90 minutes) is before the first nap of the day and then baby can extend their wake windows from there, going up to 2 hours toward the end of the day.

How Long is Too Long for A 4 Month Old to Stay Awake?

This will vary depending on your baby, but I wouldn’t recommend keeping your 4 month old awake longer than 2 hours.

Keeping your baby awake for too long can lead to an overtired baby, and will make it harder for them to fall asleep.

What Time Should A 4 Month old Go to Bed?

I recommend your 4 month old going to bed between 7–8 p.m.

Too late of a bedtime can lead to worse sleep for your baby.

You want 90–120 minutes of awake time before the last nap and bedtime.

How Long Can a 4 Month Old Sleep Without Eating Overnight?

If your 4 month old is still waking up to feed in the middle of the night, don’t fret.

It’s pretty common for a 4 month old to still need one or two feeds in the middle of the night.

Some 4 month olds may be able to sleep all night, while others may still need one to two overnight feeds.

Check with your baby’s pediatrician if your baby is ready to wean night feedings.

Video on the 4 Month Old Sleep Schedule

Watch the video below where I’ll answer the most frequently asked questions surrounding a 4 month old sleep schedule. Sometimes it helps to hear someone explain it versus reading a blog post.

How Many Naps Should A 4 Month Old Take?

Around 4 months old, your baby should be ready to transition from 4 naps to 3 naps per day.

I typically see those naps be on average about 1.5 hours long, but can be as long as 2 hours. 

However, short naps are still very common at this age. Make sure to follow your baby’s wake windows to prioritize day sleep.

Since short naps are common at this age, your baby may take 4 short naps as supposed to 3 longer naps. Keep the wake windows the same, even if your baby took a short nap.

Here’s a sample baby sleep schedule for your 4 month old, based on your baby only napping 45 minutes each time.

4 month old sleep schedule with short naps

If you’re lucky enough to get longer naps in, your 4 month old schedule might look like this:

4 month old sleep schedule graphic

This sample 4-month-old schedule has your baby’s wake windows starting at 90 minutes for the first stretch of the day (before their first nap) and going up to 2 hours maximum throughout the rest of the day.

These are the wake windows I’ve seen work best for babies at this age.

How Much Sleep Does A 4 Month Old Need?

Your 4-month-old baby should get between 15 to 17 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period, Typically amounting to around 5.5 hours of day sleep and 12 hour nights.

Frequently Asked Questions About the 4 Month Old Sleep Schedule

Is there a 4 Month Old Sleep Regression?

Many babies experience a 4 month old sleep regression.

Your 4-month-old is starting to transition between a newborn-like sleep cycle and an adult-like sleep cycle, with lighter sleep between cycles. 

That means if your little one is moving between sleep cycles, they’ll need independent sleep skills to drift back into a deeper sleep—otherwise, they wake themselves up, looking for help from you!

If you’re not sure how to stop nursing to sleep or where to start, see the different sleep training methods you can use.

How Do I Handle Baby’s Short Naps?

Many babies struggle with short naps. If your baby is taking short naps it could be due to over tiredness, under tiredness, a sleep association, or simply developmental.

Make sure to get your baby outside and get in some movement before they go down for a nap, which will help improve their sleep. Often sleep begets sleep, so the better your baby naps during the day, the better she’ll sleep at night!

Can A 4 Month Old Sleep Through the Night?

At 4 months old, some babies can sleep through the night, while others may still need 1–2 feeds in the middle of the night.

Can I Sleep Train at 4 Months?

Yes, 4 months old is the youngest age I recommend implementing a sleep training method. if you want help with sleep training, check out The Baby D.R.E.A.M. System.

How to Know When Your 4 Month Old is Ready to Extend Wake Windows

If you’re not sure whether your 4-month-old wake windows are long enough, there are some signs to look for.

Your 4-month-old sleep schedule might need to incorporate longer wake windows if you notice any of the following:

  • It’s taking longer than 15 minutes for your baby to fall asleep once you put them down.
  • Your baby is waking up less than an hour into their nap.
  • Bedtime is a consistent battle, lasting a week or more.
  • Your baby is waking up too early in the morning.

If you’re dealing with any of these sleep issues, consider lengthening your 4-month-old wake window to up to 2 hours between sleeps.

What are Some 4 Month Old Milestones?

Here are some of the skills your baby may be working on and showing off:

  • Smiling in response to you and others (My favorite milestone!)
  • Starts laughing or giggling
  • Makes oohh and ahh sounds
  • Is interested in hands and brings them to mouth
  • Head is stronger and can be held steady
  • Pushed up on arms or elbows during tummy time
  • May start rolling over

What To Do if Baby is Rolling Over in their Sleep?

One new skill that can cause a sleep disruption in your 4-month-old’s sleep schedule is when your baby starts rolling over in their sleep.

Rolling is one of the big developmental milestones and one you should be proud of! Unfortunately it’s also a change that can cause some sleep hiccups.

Once your baby starts rolling, it’s time to kiss the swaddle goodbye. The transition out of the swaddle can be a rough patch, especially since swaddling can be such a strong sleep association in your baby’s early months.

So much is happening at 4 months old, but a good schedule can optimize your baby’s sleep. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions about this four month old sleep schedule.

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