Grab this printable baby shower emoji game to have guests laughing at the next baby shower you host! The free printable also includes the answer key for the baby shower emoji game.

baby shower emoji game mockup

I love playing games at baby showers! The problem is I’ve been to way too many by now and am so over playing the game where I can’t say the word “baby” or the one where you have to awkwardly guess how big the mom’s belly is.

So I’m always grateful when a baby shower host finds new baby shower games for us to play!

I played the baby shower emoji nursery rhyme game at a baby shower recently and thought it was a lot of fun.

It was pretty tricky to come up with the answers and definitely provided some entertainment. It’s an easy printable baby shower game, so not much prep is needed.

That game is all over the Internet, so I wanted to create a new version that was unique.

This baby shower emoji game is similar to the nursery rhyme game, but with a twist. You have to use the emojis to figure out the different movie titles that have the word “baby” in them.

It’s not easy, but it will be fun!

And depending on the age span of your guests, some will definitely have an advantage. This would be an excellent baby shower game for kids since they’re so in-the-know with emojis.

Don’t worry, I also include an answer key in case you and your guests are stumped.

baby shower movie emoji game mockup

How to Play:

  1. Grab the printable by entering your email below.
  2. Print it out and give one game sheet to each guest, Keep the answer key for your eyes only.
  3. Set a timer and have guests write down as many answers as they can.
  4. Players have to use the emojis to figure out the various movie titles that have the word baby in them. Some movies are old and some are new.
  5. Use the answer key so everyone can score their sheet at the end of the timer.
  6. Whoever gets the most correct answers wins! Make sure to have some fun baby shower prizes on hand for the winner.

Get the Baby Shower Games Bundle

Get 6 printable easy baby shower games to play at your next baby shower. These games are a lot of fun and an easy way to entertain guests and celebrate the new mom! Click here to get the baby shower games bundle.

Enjoy playing this movie baby shower emoji game at the next baby shower you throw!

Get the Baby Shower Emoji Game Here

Enter your email address below to get the free printable baby shower emoji game.

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