Get a Babywise 4 month schedule. Includes sample schedules, wake times, and how to make it past the dreaded four-month sleep regression.

four month babywise schedule

You’ve reached the glorious four month Babywise schedule.

I loved it when my daughter was four months old. Babies at this age have so much personality, with limited mobility. It’s the best of both worlds!

Four-month old babies are cute and smiley, melting hearts everywhere, yet they can’t quite crawl away and get into trouble just yet. It is certainly many mama’s favorite age and stage!

But getting into a routine with sleep can be tricky at this age. Knowing your baby’s proper wake time can be tricky and confusing to figure out.

four month old babywise schedule

When to Start Babywise?

If you haven’t started implementing Babywise yet, now is a great time to start.

Babywise includes a few different foundational principles. I highly recommend starting the concepts of eat, play, sleep as early as possible with your baby.

If you work hard in the beginning to teach your baby independent sleep skills and make sure she is getting enough feeds throughout the day, monthly transitions and sleep regressions won’t be as disruptive.

Sure, there will still be bumps in the road (we are working with babies after all), but you’ll be able to get everyone back on track much faster than if you were moving without a sleep plan.

You can see an overview of all the Babywise sleep schedules here.

Four-Month Old Baby Schedule

The Babywise 4 month schedule has a lot of range in it.

Remember that schedules are designed to fit into your lifestyle and your baby’s needs. One size does not fit all when it comes to baby’s ages and schedules.

There is also A LOT of variation at this age:

  • Hopefully by now your baby no longer has their days and nights mixed up.
  • Many babies may still struggle with the 45-minute intruder.
  • Some babies still need 1–2 feeds in the middle of the night, while other babies are sleeping through the night for 10 to 12 hours straight.
  • Some babies are rolling over in their sleep from front to back or sitting with assistance.
  • Some babies will do well with a 1.75 wake window at 4 months old, while others can go up to 2 hours.

I love the flexibility and predictability of Babywise. Sometimes, you want hard and fast answers, but remember that it might take a little bit of experimenting to figure out what works for your baby.

There is a lot of flexibility in the four-month schedule, so read through these options and see which one might work best for your babe. Then try, try, try until it sticks.

Sample Babywise 4 Month Schedule

This schedule below uses wake windows, which range from 1.5–2 hours.

Baby is eating every 2.5–3.5 hours.

4 month old sleep schedule

Sample Four Month Baby Schedule: 3.5 Hour Schedule

Sample Babywise 4 Month Schedule

With this schedule, you can do a 1.5-hour wake window with a 2-hour nap or 2-hour wake time with a 1.5 hour nap.

The 3.5-hour schedule also includes a small feed to hold your baby over as well as a short catnap to help her make it to bedtime without getting overtired.

Example (with 2-hour wake windows)

7:00 am: Wake and feed

7:00 to 9:00 am: Wake time

9:00 to 10:30 am: Nap

10:30: Feed

10:30 am to 12:30 pm: Wake time

12:30 pm to 2:00 pm: Nap

2:00 pm: Feed

2:00 to 4:00 pm: Waketime

4:00 to 4:30 pm: Catnap

4:30 pm: Feed (Smaller snack feed)

6:30 pm: Last feed / Baby’s bedtime routine

7:00 pm: Bedtime

Is My Baby Ready For a Four-Hour Schedule?

You might be wondering when you can switch to a four-hour schedule. Your baby will give you some signs, letting you know that she is ready to make a transition.

If your baby starts to wake up early from her naps or takes a while (more than 20 minutes) to fall asleep for a nap, it’s a good sign that your baby is ready for more wake time.

You can increase wake time to 1.5 or 2 hours, depending on how much wake time your baby can handle and is used to.

When you do increase wake time, do so gradually.

Don’t go from 1 to 2 hours overnight, as that may be too overwhelming for your baby.

I added 15 minutes of wake time consistently for several days before adding another 15 minutes again.

If you have to consistently wake your baby from naps to eat, or your baby isn’t interested in eating at the 3-hour mark, it’s also a good sign that she’s ready to transition.

I almost always had to wake up my baby for feeding time, so I knew she was ready to extend her time in between feedings.

If you are consistent and have worked toward independent sleep, your baby will show you when she’s ready to extend her schedule.

Around four months old, many babies are ready to move to the four-hour schedule.

My baby was ready and I loved the four hour schedule.

Four months old. Four feedings. Four hours. It was glorious!

The four-hour schedule consists of two hours wake time and two-hour naps. I loved the long nap times but also the longer wake times. It gave us a chance to feed and then have a little activity or playtime outside together.

Here’s an example of a four-month, four-hour baby schedule.

Sample Babywise 4 Month Schedule

Baby has a 2-hour wake window, takes 2 hour naps, and can go 4 hours between feeds.

7:00 am: Wake and feed

7:00 to 9:00 am: Wake time

9:00 to 11:00 am: Nap

11:00 am: Feed

11:00 am to 1:00 pm: Wake time

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm: Nap

3:00 pm: Feed

4:30 to 5:15 pm: Catnap

5:15 to 6:30 pm: Wake time

6:30 pm: Last feed/bedtime routine

7:00 pm: Bedtime

loved baby-led weaning

Starting Solids at Four Months

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends waiting until 6 months old to start solid foods.

I know many people start rice cereal around four months old with the hope that it will help baby to sleep longer stretches at night. But adding simple solids to your baby’s diet probably isn’t the ticket to a better night’s sleep.

We waited until six months and then did baby-led weaning with our girl. I totally loved baby-led weaning and highly recommend it!

The Four-Month Sleep Regression

Around four months old many babies (and parents) experience the four-month sleep regression.

Your baby’s sleep cycles start to mirror an adult sleep cycle, meaning they move from deep to light sleep to deep again.

Some babies breeze through the four-month sleep regression, while other babies start waking up constantly after sleeping through the night.

If your baby is used to falling asleep with little or no sleep props, they may not have a regression at all!

I was dreading the four-month sleep regression, but our baby didn’t skip a beat with sleeping! We had practiced putting her down awake with a pacifier, and she was okay.

Other babies might start waking up more frequently in the middle of the night, especially if they are used to falling asleep at the bottle or breast, or in mom’s arms.

Continue to be consistent with your sleep routine and work toward independent sleep with your baby and the four-month sleep regression will pass.

Questions about the Babywise 4 month schedule? Ask in the comments and we’ll help you out.

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