Get an idea for a feeding and sleeping schedule for your 2-month old. This sample schedule works well whether you’re following Babywise or not and is developmentally appropriate for a 2-month old.

awake baby with mom

I’ve shared before how I have a love/hate relationship with Babywise.

I enjoyed learning about some of the concepts including eat play sleep, the 45-minute intruder, and baby sleep cues.

But the schedules.

I needed more specific schedules.

Let me break down a Babywise 2 month old schedule so you can know exactlywhat to expect at this age.

2 month old sleep graphic

What is A Realistic Schedule for A 2-Month old?

Here’s what to expect at 2 months old:

  • Wake windows can be up to 60 minutes long
  • Your baby may still be struggling with day and night confusion
  • Short naps are common
  • Baby can go about 2.5–3 hours in between feeds

Around 8 weeks old, your baby starts waking up a bit more and becoming more alert.

Make sure to still keep your baby’s wake windows short though—about 60 minutes is all they can handle before they need to nap again.

At this age, babies are still very prone to becoming overtired and overstimulated.

If you’ve been following Babywise, you’ve likely been aiming for an eat play sleep routine (as much as possible with a newborn) and working toward independent sleep habits.

Here’s an example of a 2-month old schedule. This schedule can work whether you’ve been following Babywise/Moms on Call, or something else (or nothing) and is age-appropriate for babies ages 8 to 12 weeks.

2 month old schedule

Sample 2-Month Old Sleep Schedule with Feeds

7:00 am – Wake and nurse or bottle

8:00 am to 10:00 am – Nap

10:00 am – Nurse or bottle

11:00 am to 1:00 pm – Nap

1:00 pm – Nurse or bottle

2:00 to 4:00 pm – Nap

4:00 pm – Nurse or bottle

5:00 pm to 6:00 pm – Nap

6:30 pm – Nurse or bottle and baby’s bedtime routine

7:00 Bedtime

Night feeds as needed.

If you want more schedules, check out my babywise sleep schedules for the first 12 months!

Should A 2 Month Old Have A Routine?

You can start a flexible routine with your 2 month old, without being super rigid.

A flexible routine for your 2 month old can include:

How Long Can A 2-Month Old Go Between Feedings?

If your baby is taking full feeds and there are no feeding issues, most 2-month olds can go about 2.5 to 3 hours in between feeds.

At 2 months old, many babies will still cluster feed in the evenings during the witching hour as well.

What is a Good Nap Schedule for a 2 Month Old?

An ideal 2-month old sleep schedule will include 5–6 naps, lasting 90 minutes to 2 hours.

Keep in mind that those long naps would be ideal.

Naps can be extremely tricky at 2-months old and may not start to lengthen until your baby is closer to 6 to 7 months.

Short naps are common and it’s okay if your baby only sleeps for 45 minutes at a time.

If your baby continues to take short naps, you can try saving the nap by using the soothing ladder, offering a contact nap, or just start a new wake window and adjust your day as needed.

Keep in mind that babies are still super portable at this age and usually nap well on the go, so you don’t have to be a prisoner in your home for naps.

Frequently Asked Questions About the 2 Month Old Schedule with Babywise

How Long Should A 2-Month Old be Awake?

Your 2 month old can be awake for about 60 minutes before they’re ready to go back to sleep.

Many babies still need help falling asleep at this point, and you can help soothe them by using your voice, pressure on their chest, and a pacifier.

How Much Sleep Does My 2 Month Old Need?

Your 2 month old needs a lot of sleep, about 16–18 hours total sleep in a 24-hour period.

How Often Should My Baby Feed in the Middle of the Night?

At 2 months old, many babies still need 2–3 feeds in the middle of the night. If you’ve been following Babywise, they may start to consolidate sleep more soon.

If you have any questions about your 2 month old schedule babywise, leave them in the comments and we’ll help you troubleshoot.

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