Establish a good sleep foundation with these baby items! Add these baby registry must haves to your registry so everyone gets the sleep they need

baby sleeping on side

There are plenty of baby registry must haves that you need when you’re expecting your first baby. Everything from baby nursery must haves, baby feeding essentials, pregnancy must haves, postpartum essentials, and essentials for baby’s sleep.

As a Pediatric Sleep Consultant, I’m sharing my baby registry must haves for sleep with you today. You can find the most forgotten baby registry items, as well as products you really can leave off your registry on my site as well. But as far as newborn sleep essentials go, these are the must haves!

I’m pretty passionate about helping families get their babies to sleep so everyone can get the rest they need. And I’m not about parents spending thousands of dollars on fancy sleep products that promise a goodnight’s rest.

But there are a few essentials that can really help optimize your baby’s sleep and these are definitely items you want to include in your baby registry!

sound machine near bed is a baby registry must have

1. White Noise Sound Machine

I love the Yogasleep sound machines so much! My daughter used it for three years before we changed to a Hatch Baby Rest and now I use the Dohm in my bedroom.

White noise is so beneficial for babies. The womb was noisy! Continuous white noise can re-create the sounds babies are used to hearing and soothe them.

White noise also blocks out noises that might otherwise wake up your baby like a dog barking or a doorbell ringing. Make sure to get a white noise sound machine for your baby that plugs in and runs continuously for naps and nights.

picture of baby nursery with blackout curtains - a baby registry must have

2. Blackout Curtains

There are plenty of benefits of using blackout curtains and these are the best nursery blackout curtains I have found. Many babies have their days and nights mixed up when they’re first born, so teaching them the difference using light and darkness can be really helpful.

Many babies are also very sensitive to even a little bit of light poking through, causing your baby to wake up too early with the rising sun.

Blackout curtains help create a dark, soothing environment so your baby’s sleep isn’t disrupted by the morning sun at 5 am.

If you’re not a fan of curtains, there are plenty of other ways to make your nursery dark!

newborn sleep program

3. Good Sleep Habits

This isn’t something you can just pick up at the store or register for but it is so important! Being consistent and putting in the hard work can really help you establish a good foundation for sleep.

And it is totally worth it! My Newborn Sleep Program shows you how to lay a good foundation so your baby is a good sleeper for life! Learn more about the Newborn Sleep Program here.

baby awake in crib

4. A Safe Sleep Space for Baby

It’s not a fancy product, but a safe sleep space is so important for your baby! You can use a crib or bassinet for your baby as long as you follow the abcs of sleep to help reduce the risk of SIDS:

Alone—Your baby sleeps alone in his crib. His sleep space should be free from pillows, bumpers, stuffed animals, and blankets up until the appropriate age. Learn more about when your baby can sleep with a blanket.

Back—Place your baby on his back each time he goes down for sleep. If your baby rolls to his stomach on his own, it is typically okay to leave him there.

Crib—The crib has been deemed as the safest place for a baby to sleep. Baby should be put to sleep in his own sleeping space, whether that is a crib vs bassinet. Sharing a bed with your baby is not considered safe.

baby swaddled sleeping in a crib

5. Swaddles and Sleep Sacks

Your baby can’t sleep with a blanket until closer to 12 months old, so using a swaddle or sleep sack can keep your baby warm and provide other benefits as well. Make sure to add about 3 to 5 of each to your baby registry.

Swaddles: Help keep your baby from startling themselves to wake from sleep and have other pros for swaddling your baby. These are the best swaddle options.

Sleep sacks: Provide a sleep cue for naps and bedtime once your baby drops the swaddle around 12 weeks old. There are plenty of options, but here are the best sleep sacks in my opinion!

mom holding video monitor with baby sleeping

6. Video Monitor

Being a new parent can bring on a lot of anxiety and uncertainty. Once you transition your baby to the crib, you’re going to want to check in on them frequently and see them sound asleep.

Get a good video monitor so you can look at your sleeping baby and get peace of mind while they snooze, without entering their room every hour!

baby nursery

7. Crib Essentials

I’m not talking about a mobile or bumpers here. In fact, the best way to know if your crib is safe is that a boring crib is a safe crib.

That being said, you need a firm mattress, waterproof mattress pad, and multiple crib sheets in case of late night spit-ups or leaks. See how many crib sheets you need.

baby in a diaper

8. Overnight Diapers

At first your baby will be up multiple times in the middle of the night to feed. But once they start sleeping longer stretches, you’ll want to use the best overnight diapers to help prevent leaks and ensure your baby keeps sleeping those beautiful stretches!

Add overnight diapers to your registry so you’re ready for longer stretches once your baby is!

baby asleep with pacifier

9. Pacifiers

I’m a big fan of pacifiers for newborn babies.

Newborns have a non-nutritive need for sucking, meaning they have a desire to suck, even if they aren’t getting milk.

Pacifiers also reduce the risk of SIDS and can help soothe your baby to sleep. Many babies can use a pacifier without issue into their second birthday. The hospital will probably send you home with a few pacifiers, but it’s a good idea to add them to your baby registry just in case!

Wondering when to take away the pacifier? I have you covered for that too!

baby in a slumberpod

10. Slumberpod

The Slumberpod is one item you might not have on your baby registry, but you definitely want to add it, especially if you want to travel with your baby!

It’s a lightweight tent-like structure that goes over your baby’s pack and play and is perfect for creating a dark and private space for baby’s sleep when traveling!

You don’t have to worry about room sharing when you’re visiting relatives or staying in a hote with the Slumberpod. This thing makes it so convenient and is on our baby travel essentials list.

You can use my code THEPOSTPARTUMPARTY to save on your oder if you’re picking this up for a baby registry! Shop here

Those are my top 10 baby registry must haves for good sleep! Which sleep products are your favorite? Leave a comment below and I can add it to this list!

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