I’ve used the Sleep Lady Shuffle as a sleep training technique for ages 4 months all the way through 4 years old. Here’s why I love this sleep training method and instructions on how to do it.

mom holding baby's hand as they fall asleep

Sleep training gets a bad rap. But with methods like The Sleep Lady Shuffle (SLS), I don’t know why. The Sleep Lady Shuffle is a gentle and effective sleep training method for babies and toddlers that was invented by Kim West.

it allows parents to be more involved as their little one falls asleep. It’s a sleep training method I’ve used with many of the families I’ve worked with and have had great success with it.

Sleep Lady Shuffle at a glance

What is the Sleep Lady Shuffle?

The Sleep Lady Shuffle, (sometimes called the Chair Method) is a technique that can be used on ages 4 months–5 years.

It is sitting in a chair next to baby’s crib or bed and offering reassurance as they fall asleep. Over the course of several days parents gradually “shuffle” the chair out of the room.

It’s a great option for families who don’t want to use separation-based methods.

While many people, including the founder, refer to the it as a gentle sleep training method, please note that gentle doesn’t mean no crying.

I’ve helped families do the Sleep Lady Shuffle and there are tears. Just like most things, babies and toddlers cry to communicate and protest change.

How Long Does It Take to Work?

When I work with families doing this method, I usually see improvement in baby’s sleep within a few days, especially ay bedtime.

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How to Do It

Here are the steps I have families follow to use this method.


Start with a consistent bedtime routine and keep baby awake during the routine.

Make sure that the room is as dark as possible. Since you’ll be in the room, it’s best to use nursery blackout curtains so your presence isn’t stimulating. This means avoiding eye contact and playfulness as well!

Put baby down awake and sit in a chair next to the bassinet or crib.

If baby starts to fuss say use a short soothing phrase.

If necessary, use physical comfort such as patting baby gently or holding his hand. The first night is usually the toughest!

Once baby is asleep, leave the room.

Sleep lady shuffle graphic

Fading Out of the Room

After 3 days, move the chair further away. If the chair started next to the crib, move it halfway between the crib and the bedroom door.

Keep using your voice to soothe baby if needed. Resist moving the chair back to a closer position.

Every three days, move the chair further away until it’s out of the room completely.

Video About the Sleep Lady Shuffle

Watch the video below to see how to do the Sleep Lady Shuffle Method step-by-step.

Is it Effective?

Yes, it’s an extremely effective sleep training method for ages 4 months and up.

I’ve worked with plenty of families who have had success using the Sleep Lady Shuffle.

What Age Does Well It?

The best thing about this method is its range.

I have used this method with babies and with kids up to 5 years old.

Of all the sleep training methods, it’s the one to use at almost any age!

If you have any questions about the Sleep Lady Shuffle, leave them in the comments below.

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