Here’s a complete pregnancy checklist, breaking down the tasks you should do in each trimester! Bookmark this handy pregnancy checklist so you are fully prepared for baby’s big debut!

Congratulations on your pregnancy! It’s such an exciting time with plenty of emotions! The next nine months may crawl by slowly or quickly pass in a blur. This handy pregnancy checklist has all the important tasks you need to conquer before your baby enters the world.
I’ve included everything I could think of—from adorable ways you can announce your pregnancy, to ways you can get your entire house ready for baby. I’ve got you covered with plenty of tasks!
Bookmark this page or pin it for later so you can come back and finish all of the tasks from your pregnancy checklist before your due date. Trust me, it will be here before you know it!

Pregnancy Checklist for the First Trimester
The first trimester is one of the most exciting and difficult times of your pregnancy. Many women feel exhausted and nauseated during the first trimester.
I was so tired and sick for the first 16 weeks of my pregnancy so the first trimester was not the time for me to get stuff done! Here are the things to do when you first find out you’re pregnant.
Tell your Partner
Tell your partner you’re pregnant! You might want to wait to announce your pregnancy to everyone else, but you’ll probably want to let your partner know ASAP! You can send him on a pregnancy announcement scavenger hunt or use another cute way to tell your husband you’re pregnant from this list if you’re looking for a fun idea!
Curb Morning Sickness
If you’re feeling nauseated, use these morning sickness remedies to help you feel better. Lemon drops were a lifesaver for me!
Try to rest. It’s hard work growing a baby! Listen to your body and take a nap and relax when you can.
Brainstorm the Nursery Decor
Start brainstorming different nursery themes and thinking about how you want to set up your nursery. Check out these gorgeous IKEA nursery hacks for ideas!
Announce your Pregnancy to Family
Make a fun pregnancy announcement to your parents first and then choose a fun way to announce your pregnancy to other family members.
Learn Pregnancy Hacks
Read up on these clever pregnancy hacks to help you survive the next 9 months! Some of these are life savers!
Figure Out When to Buy Baby Stuff
Wondering when to start buying baby stuff? You have plenty of time but you can get started as soon as you’re feeling up for it!

Pregnancy Checklist for the Second Trimester
The second trimester was my favorite! The morning sickness and fatigue have dissipated and your little belly pooch is finally starting to look like a baby bump, and not like you just ate too many brownies.
I felt the best in my second trimester so I tried to get a head start on a lot of my pregnancy checklist tasks. Some of these might not seem pressing, but you’ll be glad you got them done when you’re feeling good!
Announce your Pregnancy on Social Media
Announce your pregnancy! There are tons of cute ways to announce your pregnancy, like a festive Halloween pregnancy announcement, Christmas pregnancy announcement, or Spring pregnancy announcement!
Start Shopping for Maternity Clothes
Buy yourself some maternity clothes. Your little bump will keep on growing and you’ll want to feel comfortable in your wardrobe.
Plan and Take a Baby Moon
Think about taking a baby moon. This is one last vacay with just you and your partner before the baby comes! See some amazing baby moon destinations from Two Drifters if you need ideas!
Start Organizing Baby Clothes
If you’ve received hand me down baby clothes from friends or family, you can start to organize baby clothes using this method.
Start Your Baby Registry
Begin setting up your baby registry. You can always add items later. You will probably change your mind a few times, so just get it started for now. Don’t forget these baby registry items that are often overlooked!
Take A Birth and Breastfeeding Course
Take some birth and breastfeeding courses. Check with your insurance to see what courses they offer for expecting moms.
Tour Daycares
Start touring daycares. Some of them have a waitlist, so even if you’re not planning on returning to work right away, you can get an idea of what you want. Come armed with a list of questions to ask daycare providers.
Talk to your Employer About Maternity Leave
Talk to your employer about maternity leave. Each state has different laws, so find out what they are where you live and how much time you want to take off.
Stock up On Basic Necessities
Stock up on household items. The less you have to think about during the fourth trimester, the better! Here’s a complete list of items to stock up on before baby comes.
Start Setting up the Nursery
Start your nursery organization. There may be some items you wait to put up until after your shower, but you can arrange large pieces of furniture and get the major details ready now.

Pregnancy Checklist for the Third Trimester
You’re in the home stretch! The closer you get to your due date, the harder it will be to get tasks done. Try checking them off your pregnancy checklist sooner rather than later so you can use the last few weeks of your pregnancy to rest and wait for your baby to come!
Have a Baby Shower
Have your baby shower! Expecting moms usually like to do this two months before the baby’s due date. This way you have that adorable baby bump but aren’t completely uncomfortable yet. (Hopefully!) Here are 35 fun baby shower games to play as well as fun baby shower themes for boys!
Pack Your Hospital Bag
Pack your hospital bag. Include items like postpartum clothing, toiletries, a pillow and robe, and baby’s going home outfit. Make sure dad has his bag packed too! See all the items I recommend packing in your hospital bag here.
Learn About Infant Sleep
I’m sure you’ve heard all the horror stories about newborn sleep—or lack thereof! But there are things you can do to help teach your newborn good sleep habits from the start. Learn how to set a good foundation and avoid the sleepless nights in my newborn sleep course.
Make Some Freezer Meals
Grab some friends and make some freezer meals before baby. Taking a few extra hours to get some meals ready will save you loads of stress later when your baby first arrives. You can even make lactation smoothies in advance to help your milk supply!
Send Thank You Cards
Send out thank you cards for your baby shower and purchase any remaining items off your registry that you didn’t get.
Stock up On Postpartum Items
Stock up on postpartum necessities to help with your recovery. I have a complete postpartum essentials post that includes things you need for your physical and emotional health!
Interview Pediatricians
Interview pediatricians and decide on one. Ours visited Evelyn in the hospital after she was born and it was so nice that he was already a familiar face that I trusted.
Book a Newborn Photo Session
Book a newborn photo session. I am so glad I did this in advance. Taking photos was the last thing I wanted to do postpartum, but luckily I had already booked and paid for the session. They are still some of my favorite photos to date!
Install the Car Seat
Install the car seat. It could be go time any day now!
Have Fun/Date Nights
Squeeze in as many date nights, girl’s nights out, and alone time where you can! Read, relax, and enjoy it. Soak up this time before baby comes.
Make sure you grab friends and your partner to help out with your pregnancy checklist tasks! People are usually happy to help an expecting mom, and there’s no reason why you should go at it all on your own. Take time to relax and rest throughout your pregnancy as you prepare for your baby’s debut!